“I’m not enough, and I won’t be loved.”
They say these are the two greatest fears of all humans.
Ever felt this way?
I had my share of feeling "not smart enough" this past year at Harvard.
Last week I delivered a final presentation about mindfulness and self-care for yoga teachers.
Leading up to the presentation, limiting thoughts were speaking loudly in my head…
“I'm not as smart as everyone else.”
“They won’t resonate with my style.”
“What are they going to think of me?”
I was the last student to present; everyone before me had a fancy PowerPoint.
I don't have much experience with making elaborate slide decks, so I said f@©k it—I’m just gonna share my truth.
After all, sharing authentically is everything we stand for at HJY University.
Often we're taught to present our strengths and accomplishments to build credibility.
Personally, I find that being vulnerable and sharing challenges, insecurities, and adversity is much more relatable.
As yoga teachers, our vulnerability creates a deep connection with our students.
So I trusted my instinct and delivered a presentation that was completely different than the rest of the class, but most importantly, it was authentic for me.
I acknowledged my classmates for their intelligence and professionalism.
I admitted how I felt not as smart as them.
I shared how limiting beliefs debilitate me when presenting or teaching yoga and that speaking my truth is the path to creating connection and being present.
Instead of listing bullet points or discussing strategies, I practiced them in front of the class.
Kinda like the old saying: “Show, don’t tell.”
The vibe of the class was beautiful. Everyone was fully present and engaged. 🙏
After creating this deep connection, I couldn't resist bringing the signature HJY high vibes. ✨
I closed my presentation with some fun yoga practices and even led the class in a sing-a-long of Lean on Me. 🎶
It was a magical moment. ❤️
And the best part…
I didn’t care what anyone thought about my presentation. I knew it was authentic for me—speaking my truth and having fun.
Everyone loved it.
The Professor even invited me to join his Buddhist Meditation Retreat this summer to share my story and lead the group through some fun yoga experiences.
Discovering and then sharing our truth is what yoga teacher training is all about.
It’s certainly not about trying to make everyone happy. Being a people-pleaser is draining—I have plenty of experience.
Let’s practice being unapologetically be ourselves!
If you feel called to connect with and share your truth, then you’ll love the RYT-200-hour Hero’s Journey.
Even if you have no intention of becoming a yoga teacher, this transformational curriculum will empower you to be your best self.
You deserve this!
It's truly life-changing, and I don't type these words lightly.
The next RYT-200 Hero’s Journey begins soon, and I'd love to see you there! 😍
Get certified from your home while continuing to work and be with your family.
Email [email protected] with any questions, and most importantly, let's courageously speak our truth!
Happy Jack :)
50% Complete
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